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Turnaround assessment and management for struggling companies.

Our clients call on The Yar Group’s hands-on turnaround strategy experts when there are significant operational, financial or growth challenges. But rarely are these blockades with sales and marketing, manufacturing or growth ever as simple or straightforward as described.

That’s why we start our turnaround assessment and management with a deep dive into the people, functions and goals that move a company.

Deep Dive Assessment

We ask a lot of questions and listen to discover your:

  • Objectives – what’s the company trying to accomplish and how?
  • People – are the right people in the right functions with the right goals?
  • Timing – how quickly does this turnaround need to happen?
  • Financial – what and who is driving the turnaround? Company leadership? The board? Private equity or venture funding? Shareholders?

Once we have the answers to these questions, we can continue with purpose and urgency into the next phase.

Advisory and Implementation

You don’t want a consultant’s report that will end up on the corner of the desk. We work hand-in-hand with you to:

  • Create a project plan with action items and budgets.
  • Structure personnel – job functions, staffing and training needs
    Engage with external resources where necessary.
  • Develop timelines with milestones and benchmarks and a formal project plan to measure success.
  • And all the way through, work directly with you to implement the necessary changes as quickly as possible.

We’ve trained soldering techs on assembly lines, launched international distribution, and run entire companies and divisions. We jump in to get done what needs to be done, wherever it is.

Fractional Turnaround Management

By taking temporary, fractional leadership in the area(s) we’ve identified for action, we create and train the permanent internal roles needed for long-term success. Or bring in temporary outside experts as appropriate. And only for as long as necessary.

Together, we determine when and how The Yar Group will exit, or if there are other elements of the company’s operations that need our focus. Our goal is to put the right people in place to continue the forward momentum after we’ve handed off the operations to you as efficiency as possible.

Get back on course.

Whether you need high level strategic or sleeves-rolled-up tactical turnaround management, The Yar Group is ready for action. We understand that processes should be adhered to but that results orientation actually accomplishes goals.

Are you ready to right your foundering company with a proven turnaround strategy? Let’s talk. Call 505.805.5002.

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